Continuous Deployment Tool for Dacpac Files

Effortless Deployment Automation Across DevOps Environments

Posted by Alfus Jaganathan on Monday, August 23, 2021


When coming to database source code management and deployment, we come across several options. Few of the interesting open source cross platform tools are Entity Framework Core - Code First, Roundhouse, DbUp, Flyway, etc. However, in certain situations, we have to rely on Microsoft’s Database Project (sqlproj), where it provides the developer with a cool designer environment using Visual Studio. But we run into challenges when we integrate this deployment in a continious delivery/deployment pipeline.

Usually, dacpac management can be done by sqlpackage.exe, which is not a as user friendly (based on my personal experience). The other option is Azure Devops, which provides us with various pipeline tasks which can do the same, however we will be locked to Azure Devops.

So, I thought of overcoming this problem by creating an opensource commandline utility dacpac-cli.exe using DacFx, which can be used by any build tools, but require win-64 runtime environment.

The tool is very handy to use. Just download the latest from dacpac-cli.exe and follow the instructions provided here

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